Post-Mortem Survey for Making Art Work 2020-21
Thank you for participating in the Making Art Work professional development workshop series co-presented by Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Union Gallery, and Agnes Etherington Art Centre. We are looking for feedback from participants of the program to inform future professional development programs. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Your answers will be anonymous. Thank you for your time!

Nan Yeomans Resource Library
The Nan Yeomans Resource Library provides Modern Fuel Members with unique arts resources intended to encourage further understanding of contemporary art (local, national and international), and appreciation of the history of the arts in Kingston. Due to the diligent collecting of material by past board members and staff, the Resource Library has many unique and difficult to find items that are essential for any student of contemporary Canadian art.
Included in the holdings of the Nan Yeomans Resource Library:
Video collection of past Modern Fuel performances and exhibitions.
Collection of catalogues from various Artist-Run Centres across Canada and international galleries.
A complete collection of Modern Fuel newsletters from 1977 - present.
Press books that track Modern Fuel's history.
Magazine collections and current art magazine subscriptions.
Slide collection of past Modern Fuel shows.
Collection of ephemera.
Collection of self-published and small press books.
Modern Fuel's complete exhibition catalogue series.
Various audio recordings.
The mandate of the Resource Library is to enhance the educational value of Modern Fuel's distinctive resource collection by creating a modernized data management system and encouraging access by community members for educational and creative purposes.
The materials in the Nan Yeomans Resource Library cannot be removed from Modern Fuel. Members are welcome to come during our opening hours to consult, peruse and read at their leisure.