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Past Exhibitions

2020 - Onward

2020 - Onward


Featured Artists

Sophie Sabet, The break in our shape

Nic Wilson, Slow Shadow

Charlotte Yao, "I moved to 2756 on that street since 2016"

Sam Cotter, Groundings

Jason Lujan, Together We Can Rule This Land

Jocelyn Purdie, Bird Life

Jennifer Chan, Fang Di, Marisa Kriangwiwat Holmes, Will Kwan, Alvin Luong, Midi Onodera, and Karen Tam, curated by Henry Heng Lu, I heard there is a party

Sangmin Lee, Taming clouds is at the end of dreams

Michael Amar, I Am You Are

Featured Events

Tenderness Annual Juried Exhibition

RE:MEMBER 2023 Annual Members' Show & Sale

Thrift for Art's Sake Fundraiser





Featured Artists

Todd Gronsdahl, Saskatchewan Maritime Museum

- Watch the Virtual Artist Talk

Ella Gonzales, Reflection of a Window

Bjornerud & Jerezano, Paul Chartrand, Liam Cole, Noni Kaur, Andrew Testa, Ana Valine, études vivantes

Kristie MacDonald, Documents from Antarctica

hiba ali, rough as silk

Abedar Kamgari, Carrying Distance

Anna Soper, Still Life

2019 - 2010



Featured Artists

Nelly Matorina - Circaseptan

Pansee Atta, Stephanie Vegh, & Florence Yee - Encyclopedias 

Black Luck Collective & Simone Wright - Parting the Roots

Madison Tyrell - Adorn & Dissolve II

Annette Hegel - miich/Home

Joan Scaglione - Squall

Inflatable Deities - Eyelash Wars

Jeneen Frei Njootli & Dayna Danger - A Fine Pointed BelongingFlogger Making Workshop 

Emebet Belete - Twofold 

Peter Morin - Tahltan


Featured Artists

Christine Negus - things you can’t make maps out of…



Aida Sulcs - Silent Movie 

Nahed Mansour & Stephanie Deumer - Far from Fixed

Soyeon Cho - Inside my Luggage

Chun Hua Catherine Dong - The Drift Latitudes

Jocelyn Purdie - Nature Fixed (On Resilience)

Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik - Untitled (Eyelids)

Lumir Hladik, Dagmara Genda, Anna Eyler, and Nicolas Lapointe - Ritualia


Featured Artists

Amanda White - Infinite Silence 

Carolyn Code - Spill

Lisa DiQuinzio and Heather Goodchild - She Shells 

Mike Marcon - TEOTWAYKI 

Rebecca Anweiler - Animal/Séance

Stéfy McKnight - Traces

Dong-Kyoon Nam - Recycled Sensations 

Lise Melhorn-Boe - Re Books 

Carina Magazzeni, Gabriel Cheung, & Kyle Vingoe-Cram - Common Names 

Paul Kajander, Laurie Kang and Colin Miner - Dust is Dancing

Jay White - Traveller

Barabara Meneley - UnMapping the Last Best West 


Featured Artists

Tara Nicholson and Jamie Ross - Numinous Lands 

Hyang Cho - Counterpoint 

Milly Ristvedt - The Breathing Space Room & Related Work 

Neven Lockhead - and after that what changes 

Tanya Lukin Linklater - Neither Nor

Aryen Hoekstra, David Court, & Shane Krepakevich - Group Exhibition

Harry Symons - Cricket, Corrosion and Cafeterias—Continuing Confounding Conundrums 

Joan Scaglione - First Cause is Desire 


Featured Artists

Hazel Meyer - Sweaty Concepts

Anne Dunsford & Emily Zielke - Distorted Reality TV 

Katie Bethune-Leamen - Turn That Brown Upside Down 

Dave Gordon - Excelsior! 1975 - 2015

Jeffrey B. Childs - Souvenir/Lifeguard

Jeff Mann - Carscape

Lorna Bauer - Soleil

Derek Sullivan - Four Notable Booksellers

Jennifer Dorner and David Poolman The Old View from Nowhere 

Nancy Douglas - Murphy's in Griffintown 


Featured Artists

Erin Milliken - Little Wonders 

Martina Muck - Memory

Noel Bullock - Mars Landing 

Annie Dunning - Sapsucker Sounds 

Andrea Graham - Cleaning House

Hannah Claus - Cloudscape 

Jeff Barbeau â€‹- Minor Works 


Featured Artists

Chris Miner - Artist Statement 

TH&B - Resurrection 

Natasha Mazurka - The Centre Cannot Hold 

Charles Campbell - Transporter

Maura Doyle - New Age Beaver 

Erika Olson - Shelf Life 

Dariusz Kreminski - Settlement 

Christine Dewanker - All You Ever Wanted 

Archival Tendencies (Lossy Practices) - Broken City Lab

Featured Events

Cliff Eyland & Jeanne Randolph - Your Own Grad School 

Selections from Nan Yeomans Resource Library - Out of Print

15th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition: Constructed Truth

Annual Members Show & Sale - Home Is Where The Art Is


Featured Artists

Lisa Figge - I Can Only Make It Up Once

Mike Hansen - Hoi Polloi

Eliza Au & Ying-Yueh Chuang - Variations on Symmetry

Michèle LaRose - White Works / Études en blanc

Dustin Wilson - The Institute for Future Life Regression & Artist Talk

Ann Clarke Edgewise

Jason Paradis - Dead Man's Bay

Chrissy Poitras - Bits and Pieces 

Rachel Kalpana James - “Borderline”

Tammy McGrath - Voir Dire 

Tim Murphy - Cheap, Fast, and Easy 

Featured Events

No Two Alike

Smokin' in the Boy's Room

Monitor 8

Take Note 

Square Pegs V

Through Thick and Thistle

Syphon 1.4 Launch

Modern Fuel Members' Show and Sale

Syphon in Stockholm 

AJ Cornell, Gambletron, & Holzkopf - Vapours Concert

Hector Centeno, Andrea Jane Cornell, & Matt Rogalsky - Vapours Concert


Featured Artists

Sarah Greig, Kyla Mallett, Roula Partheniou - Ordinary Language

Robert Tombs - Empire

Abbas AkhavanCorrespondences

Michael Amar - Solar Flares and Spires

Ulrich Panzer - New Works 

Greg Staats - Condolence

Kate Yüksel - Morning Glory 

Jane Derby - Second Life

Susy Oliveira -  Your face, like a lone nocturnal garden in Worlds where Suns spin round!

Decomposing Pianos - 88 Years

Aubrey Reeves - Glide

Featured Events

Square Pegs 4

The Rough Edge of Beauty 

AKA Autonomous Social Centre: Video Surplus/Varied Toil


Acting Out, Claiming Space

Kingston Canadian Film Festival: Perte de Signal: Resilencies

Old Haunt, Sam Shalabi, Reena Katz - Vapours Concerts 

Alcrete, Dreamcatcher, and Disguises - Vapours Concert

YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN and Pop Talk - Vapours Concert 

Mansoor Behnam - A Video Screening and Artist Talk 


Featured Artists

William MacDonnell, Todd Tremeer - Reconnaissance

Scott Wallis - New Work 

Dagmara Genda, Marigold Santos - Homelands

Mia Sandhu - Sikhing 

Genna Kusch - Flight 

Kevin Rodgers - Fraternity 

Andrew Sims - Watching Paint Dry 

Marcy Adzich - Never, as Always 

Gary Michael Dault - A Half Hour of Landscape Painting 

Karen Zalamea - WORK WORK WORK 

The Cedar Tavern Singers AKA The Phonoréalistes - Friday Night Flux 

Élène Tremblay - Trial Proofs 

Carlyn Bezic and Cecily Taylor - The Number of Days 

Julie Andrée T.Solo Performance 

Noel Bullock & Jocelyn Purdie - Ad Hoc 

JoAnn Ralph - Untitled Works on Paper 

Featured Events

Square Pegs 3

12th Annual Regional Juried Members Exhibition Summer Make Good

Esther Bourdages & Lucas Huang - Vapours Concert 

Marinko, sealegs - Vapour Concert 

Holzkopf, Freida Abtan - Vapour Concert 

2009 - 2000

2009 - 2000


Featured Artists

Sarawut Chutiwongpeti Wishes, Lies, and Dreams in the Project Room

Lucy Chan, Peter Kingstone - Storytellings

Nicolas Collins, Ben Manley, Alvin Lucier - Tone Deaf 8

Kevin Lee Burton, Thirza Cuthand, Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Nadia Myre and Darlene Naponse - Chronotopic Village 

Anna Elmberg Wright - Dream Temples 

Craig Leonard - Vapours Concert: Sun Ra to Sun O)))

Amy Uyeda, Aly Ogasian - Face Cave

Stefan St-Laurent, Mikiki - The New Queens' U

Sharon Thompson - Hair Pieces  

Dannys Montes de Oca Moreda -  Emergence/Resistance: Themes, Work and Artists from the Havana Biennial

Harold Coego -  Transactions of the Eye

Elisa Paloschi - Shifting Light 

Jing Yuan Huang, Jerry Ropson - Wind from the East 

Marija Hamed - Muted Landscape 

Christopher Flower - Thinking Inside the Box 

 Jim McCollough, Rebecca Soudant - The History(s) of Canada 

Featured Events

Sarawut Chutiwongpeti - Artist Talk

11th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition

Square Pegs 2

Sarah DeCarlo, Bear Thomas - Voice Off: Screening in the Square

False Face, The Famines - Vapour Concert

Mike Murphy, Anders Oinonen - Sadderday Night

clock din sound system - Vapour Concert

Christopher Flower - Opening Up The Box Artist Talk


Featured Artists

Miranda Aschenbrenner, Melanie Authier, Christine Baigent, Milly Ristvedt - Soft Abs 

Benjamin Nelson - Full Colour Hype 

Jo-anne Balcaen, Brian Joseph Davis, Steven Laurie - Tone Deaf 7 

David Ross, Yvette Poorter - Forest Station 

Christine D’Onofrio, Toni Hafkenscheid, Dave Kemp, Preston Schiedel, Colin Zipp - Infra-Ordinary

Steve Coates - Static

Dave Kemp - Taken 

Lynne WynickFaçade

Adrian Stimson Buffalo Boy's "Do Not Feel the Buffalo: Moving Camp"

 Julia Mensink and Lisa Visser - we know where we are

Vessna Perunovich and Boja Vasic - Parallel World: The Architecture of Survival 

Nathan McNinch - All We Leave Behind 

Haq, Passmore, Rousseau, Turnbull - Donkey Skin

Mark Thompson - Slide Show 


Featured Artists

KC Adams - Cyborg Hybrid 

Ayaz Kamani - Someone Else's Scenery

Robert Jelinek, Mark Prier - State Greetings

Jessica McCormack - Isabel's Antidote

Ben Darrah and Shelly Bahl - Post-Camp

Dave Gordon - A Year in Shanghai 

Larratt,  Hougesen, Schurer, Shalmon - Salon de Videos 

Tobey C. Anderson - The New American Century Project 

Maggie Burjorjee - Portraits of War

Clive Robertson - Then + Then Again 


Featured Artists

Erika Olson - Fish, Water, Lilies, Rice

Julian Haladyn - Traces of Tea: Broken Vessel 

Darren Copeland - Playing on the 401

Miriam Jordan - Suffering, Contained 

Angelucci, Custodio, Hannah, Larrett, Long - Tween Heart + Mine 

Bourgeois, Carreiro, Fisher, Lahde, Wershler-Henry, Margo - Once Removed

Jill Johnson - Toy Soldiers 

Allison Brown, Briony Carros, Emmy Eskensved, Jason de Haan, Jeanne Ju, Michael McCormack, Emily Rothwell, Adair Rounthwatie, Nadya Syej, Lisa Visser - Disconnected

Devon DeRose - Fight Me!


Featured Artists

Peter Conlin - Contemporary Obsolescence

Clea Haugo - Win a Glorious Getaway to Factory No. 2!

Afshin Matlabi, Dave Dyment, Matt Rogalsky, Diane Morin, Steve Bates and Jake Moore, Robert Bean - Disquiet

May Chan - My Father

Daniel Olson - Other Conditions

Yuka Yamaguchi - Loud Silence

Craig Leonard - ARChives

Camille Turner & Nancy Paterson - Suit of Armour

Alan Wilkinson - The Davis Tannery Reconsidered: Deriving Meaning from Kingston’s Brownfields

Kyle Bishop -  Alian

Alex Goodfellow - Grey Matter Grey Space

Featured Events

7th Regional Juried Exhibition

The Kingston Public


Featured Artists

Julie Withrow - Daily Papers - Visual Diary of a Radio Junkie

Bill Weedmark - Abandonment: a visual and auditory exploration of places, things, and times past

R.C. Aitken - Lines and Curves

Fariba Samsami - Fabria Samsami

Robert Watson - Angels’ Tears

May Chan - A Year After Hong Kong, S.A.R.S.

Rebecca Anweiler & York Lethbridge - Natural Acts

Andrea Doggett, Katherine Higgins, Dorthy Preditis, Jill Battson - Dressed-up Illusions

Koren Bellman & Marisa Portolese - Forms of Address/Undress

Lindsay Fisher - Before/After

Debra Hetherington Day - The BatChic Stories

Cindy Baker, Elisabeth Belliveau - Soft and Fuzzy

Lee-Ann Taras - Curiousplay

Christos Pantieras - Write Me a Letter

Featured Events

6th Regional Juried Exhibition


Featured Artists

Alex Jack - Landscape Paintings and Drawings

Marko Duricic - En ce moments meme: Light-Paint-Gesture

Ted Heibert - Self Portrait Chimera 

Rebecca Soudant, Tristan Adams - …falls the shadow

Claire Eckert - in/appropriate/d others

Scott Wallis, Daniel Schneider - Double Take

May Chan - SARS, Hong Kong 2003

York Lethbridge - The End and Other New Beginnings

Tamara Stone - A Child’s Garden of Worms

Linda Williams -  Overcome

Chloe Steele, Matt Rogalsky - Perfect Imperfect: British Properties

Vanathy Ganesharajah, Christine Kim -  Distribution

Deanne Achong - FINAL REQUESTS

Craig Leonard - apparatus and method/appareil et methode (Odette Vioget)

Featured Events

5th Regional Juried Exhibition


Featured Artists

Mary-Lou Ashton - Of Life Of Line

Mary Lou Jaansalu - Still Life…Figuratively Speaking

Louise Prescott -  Winged Words

Rob Watson - Rebirth 

Keith Skelton - Small Space Big Places

Lee Ann Taras - Fracture & Fusion

Featured Events

4th Regional Juried Exhibition


Featured Artists

May Chan - Bilingual: Chinese and English in Hong Kong

Scott Wallis, Pat McDermott, Mark l’Anson - Art in Situ

Julie Withrow - Of Earth and Sky

La Gaan - Image et Poesie

Judy Springer - Watercuts

Eric Steenbergen - Coffee & Kleenex

Kevin Fraser - Traces

Rose Stewart - Contingency

Bonnie Lewis, Daniel Erban - Body Language 

Joan Weir - Simple Landscapes 

Lynn Carter - Balance 

Reilly Stares - Night Visions 

Alex Jack - Landscape Drawings 

Milly Ristvedt - Points of Departure

Trudi Van Der Elsen - New Paintings 

Featured Events

3rd Regional Juried Exhibition

Art Auction Exhibition

Dark Ground


Featured Artists

Sharon Nelson - Diversity of Expression

Suzanne Nacha - Minescapes

Robert Downey - Fusion of Texture and Colour

Sharon Thompson - One Moment Please

Max Fund - Fall Colours

Featured Events

18th Annual Art Auction Exhibition

1999 - 1990

1999 - 1990


Featured Artists

Clint Wilson - Cloud Chamber 

Barb Hunt - Shroud 

Ian Hodkinson - Homage to a Maple

Tanya Morand - Dwelling 

Jeff Childs - Short Stories

Andra McCrtney, P.S. Moore, with Queen’s School of Music - Soundwalking Queen Elizabeth Park

Featured Events

Pressure Drop

Growing Season- Open Members Show

Speaking Volumes

99 Degrees: Juried Regional Artists Show


Featured Artists

Rose Stewart - Lamentation

Barbara Astman - Scenes from a Movie for One

David Bird - Poetic Phythms and Images of “Reeality”

Harold Alegria-Ortiz, Michael Alstad, Jan Allen, Janne Godtfeldt, Ian Hodkinson, Jocelyne Prince, Ross Racine, Tanya Read 

- REM Rapid Eye Movement

Deborah Washington & Joseph Babcock - Fence

P. Elaine Sharpe - Pleasure Girls 

Hanne Godtfeldt - Insight/ Inside Out

Erika Olson - Umber 

Eliza Griffiths - Peep: Beyond the Eye of the Beholder

Featured Events

Art Auction Show

KAAI Fikes Non-Juried Members Exhibition

20/20 Vision: 20th Anniversary Members Show


Featured Artists

Julie Withrow - Ordinary Magic - Rituals in Everyday Life

Theresa Wyatt - Of Being Nude 

Maureen Newton - The Ties That Bind

Deborah Brown - SEDUCTION BY everyday SPACE

Janet Morton - Canadian Monument Show

Richard Gold - Rediscovery

Michael Feguson - Boxing Day 

David H. Smith - Recycle Rebirth

Layne Larson - State of Flux

Sandra Jass - Jazz

Kathy Van Cott -  I Dream of Castles in the Air

Susan Coolen - Opera Stories

Cheryl Pelow - “Do What Thou Wilt…”

Anne Kobayashi - Lost in Space

Featured Events

Creativity as Emotional Expression Project

KAAI on View Open Members Show

Fin De Siecle: Open Members Show


Featured Artists

Richard Buff - Circles, Squares, and Diamonds

Ian Carr-Harris, Robin Kinsbourgh, Rebeccah Fahrig, Sasha Lee,

Digital Soup, ten-to-the-x - Soft Copy/Hard Copy: Works in Progress

Lana Butler - Body Work 

Murray Gibson - one & other 

Wendy Campbell - Set You Free

Thomas Monahan - Les chansons du petit bateau

Jeff Childs - On the Beach

Leslie Brown - Long, Long Distance

Tobey C. Anderson - Epiphanies

Catherine Dolcini - Rational Intuition

Cavelle Macdonnell - Just Another Point of Viewing

Rachel Park - Rachel Park: TOILET SERIES

Jan Allen - Oblivion Station 

Julie Withrow - Unnameable Objects

R.L. Grand - Propeth

May Chan, Cheryl Pelow, Melanie Craig, Lana Butler, Judy Springer, Maureen Walton, Julie Withrow - 

Featured Events

Open Members Show


Featured Artists

Tara Shula - Playground 

David Rimmer - Videotapes 1984-1992

Sheila James - Museum Pieces 

Ed Osborn - Radios Appear

Cheryl Pelow - Solar Flare

Suzanne Charo, Carla Miedema - Spiritual Echoes and the Mythological Voice

Ruth Hill - Heather Spears: Renaissance Woman

May Chan - Poem Drawing 

Robert C. F. Mulder - Ecotonal Landscapes

Richard Buff - Site Cite Sight - A Deconstruction Zone

Fran Fagie, Marks Steinberg - Reflections 

Nan Yeomans - Nan Yeomans: a Retrospective Exhibition

Beth Merriam - Fibreworks

Jeanne Masterson - Scar Tissue

Lana Butler - A Journey on Space


Featured Artists

Marianne Lovink -  Source

Gabrielle Sims - Landworks 

Eugene Cornaccio - Feeding the Fire: Imag(in)ing Contemporary Sexulatities & Photography

Jan Allen - Trophy 

J. C. Williams - Steeltown 

Sandra Jass - Book Burnings Make Me Cry

Bill Bissett - Painting and Drawings 

Joseph Babcock - Jesus Christ Porno Quilt

Andrea Ward - Hairstories 

Birte Boock - Work in Progress 

Laurie Swim - Paintings and Intaglio Prints

Nan Yeomans - Celebration of Tommie Turtle’s 25th Birthday

Lori Clermont, Julie Withrow - Monster in the Closet

Maureen Wafer - Work In Progress

Louise Noguchi - Workings in the Dark

Featured Events

Artists Statement KAAI Members Show

The Fossil Fuel Show


Featured Artists

Roberto Vergara - Evolution 

Carol Stevenson - The “Boogey Man” Series

Steven Armstrong - Home Made Art 

Julie Withrow - The Big Mama Papers

Terry Pfliger - Room With a View 

Robert Mulder - Symbols of a Higher Order

Joseph Babcock - Total Gender Mindfuck

Featured Events

The Millennium Documentary Exhibition

O.K.A.W.A. Members Show

Princess Street: Annual Open Members Show

Scorched Earth & The Washroom Suite

The Third Annual Performance Art Event

Electronic Babble


Featured Artists

Alana Kapell, Jocelyn Purdie - Shrines: Rituals and Myths

Arlene Stamp, Har Prakash Khalsa, Marlene Creates 

Gabrielle Sims

David Elliot

Julie Withrow - Earth Artifacts

bill bissett and Chris Meloche


Featured Artists

John Gouws - John Gouws: Installation

Gordon Laird - Carnial Moraine

Mathew Stolte - Mathew Stolte: Paintings

Magadalen Celestino - Magadalen Celestino: Sculptural Installation

Nicole Houle - Nicole Houle: Sculptural Installation

Larry Williams - Larry Williams: Sculptural Exhibition


Featured Artists

Sarah Stevenson - Sculptural Installation

Ross Racine - Paintings by Ross Racine

Daniel Oxely, Michael Smith -Paintings by Daniel Oxely and Michael Smith

Kevin Kelly - Reconstructed Landscapes

Anna Romeo, Deborah Brown -  A Tree, A Goddess, Serpents, and the Eternal Wheel

Kevin Sonmor - I’m Painting Horses On My Walls

Johnathon Browns - Fragments: New Works in Handmade Paper

Carolyn Smart with Jeanne Harrison - Poetry Reading 

Anne Michaels - Poetry Reading 

Featured Events

KAAI Members Open Salon

Telling Pictures: An Exhibition of Contemporary Photographs by Native Women Artists

Sound Performance


1989 - 1980

1989 - 1980


Featured Artists

Akira Yoshikawa - Akira Yoshikawa: Recent Work

Ken Blackburn - Another Logic

Maureen Pax - Oil & Water: Painted Constructions

Linda Kennedy - Flights of Fancy

John McCartney - Halfway House

Helene Lord, Claire Savoie - Pasages D’Eau and Sculpture et Dessin

Mireille Perron - Preysages

Robert Wiens - All the Work That’s To Be Done: Units 1,2 and 3

Paul Couillard - Reversals

John Atkinson - Another Grey Area


Featured Artists

Lucinda Luvaas - Paintings

Rae Johnson - Nature Paintings

Jeff Childs - The Last Place on Earth

Ann Grant - Ann Grant “Photo Objects”

Yeshe Rosselter, Jane Brooks, Sylvat Aziz - Voices of Freedom

Gunhild Hotte, Bev Monk - New York

Janet Cardiff - An Obscure Sense of Possible Sublimity

Anne-Marie Emond - Vision 

Colette Laliberte - Drawings and Paintings: the Changing Face of Things

Peter Gibson - Bound & Cut Sacrament

Featured Events

Printed Matter Beyond My Time Frame


Featured Artists

Sylvie Velanger, Ginette Legare - Intro Extra Versions

Sylvia Bews-Wright - Hollywood Kisses (with Dick and Jane)

Hollywood Kisses (with Dick and Jane) - Eating Virtue

Will Gorlitz - New Paintings

Owen Ford - New Works 

Diane Landry - New Works 

Hilda Oomen - Recent Paintings & Collage

David Reid

Featured Events

Regional Juried Exhibition

Canadian Holography in Kingston


Featured Artists

Douglas Kirton

Anne Freeman, Timothey Noonman - Collected Images

Terry Emrick - Recent Work on Paper

William Zeissler - William Zeissler: A Retro Spective

Featured Events

Emerging Ideas

Subjects of the Artist…Traditional Themes

Kingston Group Exhibition


Featured Artists

Sylvie Belanger

May Chan

Michael Fernandes

Paul Collins, Gary MacLeod, Peter Stephens - Three Ways to Paint

Winsom - Afro-Jamaican Fabrics

Barbara Lounder - Caring/Curing: Women and Medicine

David Luksha -  New Works 

Featured Events

Juried Exhibition of Women’s Art


Featured Artists

Wendy Coad

Danica Jojich - In Three Parts

Jim Miller - Canadian Guild

Jeff Schwartz - Recent Work

Dennis Geden - Recent Paintings

Patrick Mabey - Blades of Grass

Karl Ciesluk - Silent Voice Project

Sarindar Dhaliwal, Brian Milligan - A Change in the Weather

Heather O’Hagan - North of 60

Featured Events

6th Annual Open and Unjuried Members Exhibition


Featured Artists

Ken Dollar 

Ditty Schrey-van Tol - Behind the Screens “Five Theatrical Pieces”

Judith Huntress Allsopp - Recent Works 1982 & 1983

John Kamevaar - Word/Object

Kristina Pikunas - Haloid Prints

Jayce Salloum - In the Absence of Heroes

Local Kingston High School Art Classes - Young Artists

Aida Sulcs - Installation Images

Robert Flack, Chrisanne Stathacos - Man/Woman

Chris Strybos - Crucial Vibes

Dennis Tourbin - Production Residency

Featured Events

Women’s Art Exhibition

Fools Day

Birthday Party…A Night at the Circus

Crime: A Radio Romance for the Silver Screen

Beyond Happiness


Featured Artists

An Whitlock

John Kamevaar

Pamela Williams

Austin Lowe - Come Dressed for a Walk

Alana Kapell, Beth MacPhail - New Leaves

Anna Banana -  Why Banana?

Featured Events

6th Annual Completely Open and Totally Un-juried Members Exhibition

Artists Videotapes – A Selection from Art Metropole


Featured Artists

Mary & Lloyd Peppard

Alpha Group

Irene Xanthos

Cameron & Millar

Michael Banger – Artist in Residence

Chris MacGee - M.I.WYRD.R.U.?

Joyce Wieland - Recent Works 

Allan Fox – Performance and Video

Sheila Gostick - Standing Up

Nancy Cole - With Love, John Lennon and Gertrude Stein’s Gertrude Stein

Featured Events

Artventure Tour 81

4th Spectacular KAAI Members Show

Poetry Series

The Quinlan Sisters- An A Cappella Adventure

The Match-box Purveyors



Featured Artists

Roland Millar

Dennis Tourbin

Eldon McClenneghan - Disintegration

Dennis Tourbin - “CBC FLQ”

May Chan - Kleenex Paper Sculpture

Michael Banger - Cats

Richard Buff - Galactic Treasures

Michael Czerewko - Certain Aspects of the Underground

Dave Gordon - Recent Watercolours and Paintings

Jamelie Hassan - The Baghdad International Poster Exhibition

Richard Buff - The History of Rubber 

John Greyson - The Business Visitation

Anna Banana & Bill Gaglione - Toward the Future

Featured Events

Prison Arts Exhibit

The Kingston Sliding Art Show

Ear it Live Music Festival

“4” Performance 

1979 - 1977

1979 - 1977


Featured Artists

Richard Minikielo and Co.

Jean Bridge - Paintings related to the landscape

Paul McGlashan - Suspect Circumstances

Philip Beesley - Marriage

Terry Pfliger and Dick Berry - Unidentified Views of Kingston

Juan Geuer - X Ray 

Monty McDonald - A Trip to a Bureaucratic Office

Featured Events

KAAI Annual Members Show

Members’ Small Works

The Great Urban Band

Toronto Independent Dance Enterprises

Kingston Art Event

A Star is Born, Pt 2


Featured Artists

Lenni Workman

Lloyd Peppard

Queen’s Fine Art Students

May Chan

Featured Events

"KAAI, First Time Out" or "The KAAI Fire Sale, Smoke & Water Damaged Goods, Everything Must Go Show!"


Featured Artists

Lee Kozlik - Small Paintings & Collage

Unit #305 at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning

370 King St W, Kingston, ON Canada, K7L 2X4  


For more information email or call (613) 548 4883  


Tues - Sat from 11:30am - 4:30pm

  • Modern Fuel Facebook Link
  • Modern Fuel Instagram Link

Modern Fuel is situated on the unceded ancestral territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabeg peoples. We acknowledge the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabeg peoples as the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.

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